Coffee Shop Company

Perfect ambiance, atmosphere, traditional Viennese café culture. The Coffeeshop Company is without doubt more than just somewhere to get a coffee-to-go.
Client: Next Design
Project date: April 2019
FROM THE FARM INTO THE CUP Providing highest quality at every stage of our value chain is the guiding principle of our international coffee franchise concept. For us, coffee quality begins on the coffee farm. In purchasing our coffee directly from our partner farmers, we set transparency standards in global coffee trade. Our claim „From the farm into the cup“ underlines this approach, which is the core of our identity. Only the finest high-grown Arabica varieties from handpicked crop arrive in our in-house roastery in Neusiedl am See/Austria. Here, our roasting experts create exclusive blends which are served professionally by our barista. Thus, every single cup of our coffee is the result of many passionate partners in the value chain – from the farm into the cup.